Emergency Pet Care
Find treatment fast.
We are equipped to see certain veterinary emergencies during our regular hours. However, if your pet experiences an after-hours emergency, they require an overnight observation, or we determine they require a level of specialty care that can be better provided elsewhere, we’ll refer you to the closest specialty care or emergency animal hospital.
In case of an after-hours emergency, please contact:
Port City Veterinary Referral Hospital
231 Corporate Dr. Portsmouth, NH
(P) 603-433-0056
Veterinary Emergency, Critical Care, and Cancer Treatment Center of NH (VECCNH)
15 Piscataqua Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801
(P) 603-431-3600
Veterinary Emergency & Surgery Hospital of Brentwood
175 Route 125, Brentwood, NH 03833
(P) 603-642-9111
Bulger Veterinary
141 Winthrop Ave. Lawrence, MA 01843
(P) 978-725-5544
For immediate assistance, call us at (603) 926-5500.